Students & Families » Attendance Recovery

Attendance Recovery

Seat Time Recovery


(STR) for attendance is offered to high school students.  The objective of seat time recovery is to allow students who are currently passing a course and have more than the maximum number of absences to recover class hours by attending STR.  Attending STR will allow participants to make-up the hours required to receive credit (Carnegie Units).


There will be two (2) Seat Time Recovery options offered each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday before school and after school.  Morning recovery is available from 7:00AM - 8:00AM.  After school recovery is available two hours per night from 4:00PM to 6:00PM (Students can recover up to 9 hours per week). All absences must be made up before credit is given for a course. Students who have missed more than 25% of the course will not be permitted to attend seat time recovery. 


STR will begin for Fall 2024 December 10 and continue until December 19.  It will resume January 7 for first semester recovery.  It is the student’s responsibility to discuss Seat Time Recovery with his/her counselor and/or attendance clerk for information.  It is also the student's responsibility to discuss with his/her counselor which classes to apply the earned periods of attendance.  It will be possible to apply all earned attendance to one specific class if needed.  IMPORTANT: Seat time can not be banked for future absences or semesters.  There will be recovery options in the Fall and Spring. 


In order to be accepted into the program, the student must agree to the rules and guidelines in the contract.  Each STR session will cost $10.00.   Payment must be made in advance of the session with the exception of December 10.  No refunds will be granted. CASH ONLY!


If a student is dismissed from a STR session before the session is over, he/she will not receive credit for time served.  There will be no appeals to the principal.  The decision to approve or deny credit will be made by the person supervising the recovery session the student attends.