Welcome to a new and exciting year of math! I am looking forward to a fun year of exploring the world of pre-calculus/ probability and statistics. Please feel free to contact me anytime throughout the school year if you have any concerns about the class. Please read over the following information about the requirements of the course.
We have many expectations for our students at RHHS, and one of the biggest is being responsible for assignments and actions. You are responsible for completing and turning in each assignment. Homework will be assigned one to two times per week in my class, which are expected to be turned in every Friday, unless otherwise noted. It is essential that you follow up at home with assignments, projects, homework, correspondences, and reinforcing positive behavior. My weekly lesson plans will be posted on my TEAMS file page. Please check the TEAMS posts and my web page daily announcements for updates and assignment deadlines.
I want you to know that I have been, and will continue, doing the absolute best I can to provide you with a meaningful education from afar. I along with many other teachers are working far beyond a typical work day to prepare video lessons, provide electronic support, reconfigure the lessons to adapt them for distance learning, and trying to do whatever else possible to make sure that you get the best access to education.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school (843-489-8844). I can be contacted by e-mail at: [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your cooperation this year! I am looking forward to working with you to make this a GREAT and SUCCESSFUL school year!