Zyon Smiley » Classroom Rules & Expectations

Classroom Rules & Expectations

Classroom Rules & Requirements


*Be respectful to your classmates, the teacher, and use appropriate language.
*Find your seat and remain seated for the duration of the class period.
*For questions about the lesson material, make academic comments, or use the restroom raise your hand.
*Remain quiet, pay attention, and listen during instructional time; Stay engaged with all presentations, discussions, videos,
   and other class activities.
*Complete all assignments, research papers, projects, quizzes, tests, exams etc.

*I Phones, Cell phones, and other electronic devices are prohibited in schools, according to South Carolina State Law;             Electronic devices will be collected and stored in a plastic bin at the beginning of the block for students who

  happen to bring a phone to school anyway.





*Economics Textbook (Classroom Set only; textbooks remain in the classroom for students to use each block.)
*School issued Laptop
*Notebook binder or Spiral Notebook
*Notebook Paper
*Pens & Pencils
*Graphing Paper