Amsavalli Velayuthan » Dual Enrollment - Success Story

Dual Enrollment - Success Story


Qualified high school students in Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton, and Jasper counties may receive college credit for high school classes through participation in the Technical College of the Lowcountry (TCL) program known as Dual Enrollment. This program provides classes to high school students in the four counties served by TCL whether attending a public, private, or home education school.

Dual enrollment Courses offered at RSAE:

  • English Composition                      ENG-101 
  • English Composition                      ENG-208 
  • English Composition                      ENG-209 
  • College Algebra                             MAT-110
  • General Psychology                      PSY-201
  • Western Civilization History           HIS-101 
  • World Geography                          GEO-102

Taking Dual Enrollment courses can help students:

  • Reduce the cost of a college education – TCL’s tuition and fees are less than at the state’s four year colleges and universities. Earning 15 semester hours credit at TCL can save one semester’s tuition at the higher college/university tuition rates. Additionally, Lottery Tuition Assistance (LTA) is available only at the state’s two year colleges.
  • Lighten your college load – Taking some of the basic freshman and sophomore courses at TCL can lighten your academic load your first semester on campus at your four year college/university. This will leave time to adjust to college life while away from home. Having a lighter load may help you do better academically or graduate early.
  • Learning to handle college-level work – College courses often require only three hours of work in the classroom. However, there is often the expectation of spending three times that outside of class independently studying, reading, completing projects, and doing assignments.
  • Explore potential career paths and college majors while still in high school. Learn employable, lifelong skills in a variety of areas.
  • Earn a TCL Program Certificate while still in high school! You can graduate from high school, start your career and be employed in your field.
  1. Get involved – and get to know people
  2. Get Your Technology Ready – be prepared
  3. Go to class and participate
  4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – and don’t wait until it’s too late
  5. Communicate with your professor – that’s why they have office hours
  6. Make a good impression
  7. Get a calendar or planner – and use it
  8. Think about your future – early and often
  9. Take great notes
  10. Take responsibility
  11. Prepare to challenge yourself – and be challenged
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